Nicholas Borst explores the implications of the U.S. President’s America First Investment Policy.
The U.S.-China People’s Dialogue brings together leading American and Chinese nationals from a broad range of business, social, and cultural fields to explore ways to slow, if not reverse, the alarming “trust deficit” and downward trend in Sino-American relations.
Maryanne Kivlehan-Wise discusses with M. Taylor Fravel, George Gilboy, and Eric Heginbotham how flawed estimates of Chinese defense spending continue to drive strategic miscalculation by the U.S. military and policymakers.
David Zweig shares his analyses and perspectives on the evolving landscape of scientific collaboration and rivalry between the U.S. and China, moderated by Yangyang Cheng.
The National Committee will honor Mr. William E. Ford, chairman and chief executive officer of General Atlantic, at its annual black-tie Gala Dinner in New York City on October 15, 2024.
Scott Moore speaks with Yasheng Huang and Deborah Seligsohn about the historic U.S.-China Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement and its potential lapse.
Gil Guerra and Leland Lazarus discuss the recent influx of Chinese migrants across the southern border and the U.S. government’s response.
Matthew Erie and Mae M. Ngai discuss Florida’s property law and how it affects Chinese citizens in the U.S. with Elizabeth Plantan.
Robert Blackwill and Richard Fontaine explores the significance of centering Asia in U.S. foreign policy and what it suggests for the prospects for America today and in the future.
Noah Barkin, Janka Oertel, and Jason Kelly discuss China’s relationship with the European Union, focusing on trade, and national security.