A full-out trade war erupted between the United States and China during the Trump administration, increasing tariffs on Chinese imports in dozens of sectors and leading to rising business competition and costs to consumers. How has this ongoing trade war impacted everyday U.S. and Chinese citizens? And how will the Biden administration handle the current tariffs placed on Chinese goods? 

KU Trade War Lab Director Jack Zhang joined the National Committee to discuss the national and global consequences of the U.S.-China trade war on May 7, 2024

Jack Zhang

Jack Zhang is an assistant professor of political science at the University of Kansas (KU) and director of the KU Trade War Lab. He is a Public Intellectuals Program fellow with the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations. Dr. Zhang’s research explores the political economy of trade and conflict in East Asia. He is building a new framework for the dynamics of political competition under economic interdependence with the aid of new data. His newest project assesses the political participation of American businesses in the section 301 hearings process to understand why business interests were unable to restrain the Trump administration’s escalation of trade tensions with China. In another project, he and his co-authors explore the political backlash against Chinese economic competition and its implications for the escalating trade war between the United States and China.

He earned his Ph.D. from the University of California, San Diego and his BA from Duke University.

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