Thursday, December 11, 2008 | 2:30 PM EST - 2:30 PM EST
, New York, NY
At a joint program of the Committee of 100 and the National Committee, Ambassador J. Stapleton Roy and Major General John Fugh shared the remarkable story of General Fugh's fulfillment of a promise to his father, to bury the ashes of family friend and diplomat John Leighton Stuart in his birthplace of Hangzhou. The two committees are very grateful to The Luce Foundation for generously providing the space in its New York headquarters for the event.
Stuart, a man of many talents, was born in China of missionary parents, founded Yenching University and was the last U.S. ambassador to China before the communist government came to power; he was denounced by Mao in the famous essay "Farewell Leighton Stuart!" Before his death, in 1962, Stuart conveyed his wish to be buried in China to General Fugh's father, Philip, his long-time friend and associate. Members of the Stuart and Fugh families had tried without success for over forty-five years to honor his request. A New York Times feature story detailed how General Fugh, chairman of the Committee of 100, was finally successful in interring Stuart's ashes in China.
Ambassador Roy, a member and former director of the National Committee, was also born in China, served as U.S. ambassador to China from 1991-1995, and had met John Leighton Stuart. He shared his perspective on his role in assisting General Fugh's efforts through diplomatic channels and offered historical context to this fascinating story.