Thursday, July 28, 2022 | 11:00 AM EDT - 11:30 AM EDT
Zoom Interview | Min Ye, Ka Zeng
China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was first discussed ten years ago. What has happened over the past ten years? Due to the COVID-19 lockdown, BRI’s current state and future trajectories are more confusing and controversial than ever. Do China’s leading coalitions still support BRI? What is the significance of recent decisions by the United States and G-7 countries to create a fund for infrastructure development around the world? Can BRI succeed against the coordinated counterbalancing from the United States and its allies?
Min Ye discusses the current status and future directions of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in conversation with Ka Zeng on July 28, 2022.

Min Ye
Min Ye is an associate professor of international relations at the Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University. She was the director of undergraduate studies (2017-2019) and director of East Asian studies (2010-2014). Her research lies in the nexus between domestic and global politics and the intersection of economics and security in Asia. Her publications include The Belt, Road and Beyond (2020), Diasporas and Foreign Direct Investment in China and India (2014), and The Making of Northeast Asia (with Kent Calder, 2010). Dr. Ye has received the East Asia Peace, Prosperity, and Governance fellowship, Princeton-Harvard China and the World Program post-doctoral fellowship, and Millennium Education Scholarship in Japan. She has also won grants from the Smith Richardson Foundation, and, in 2021-22, one from Boston University on digital development in Asia. She is a Public Intellectuals Program fellow at the National Committee on the U.S.-China Relations.

Ka Zeng
Ka Zeng is distinguished professor of political science and director of international and global studies at the University of Arkansas. Her research focuses on China’s role in the global economy, in particular Chinese trade policy, China’s behavior in the World Trade Organization, and China-related trade dispute dynamics. Dr. Zeng is the author or co-author of Trade Threats, Trade Wars (2004), Greening China (2011), and Fragmenting Globalization (2021), and the editor or co-editor of several volumes. She has published articles in journals including the International Studies Quarterly, Review of International Organizations, World Development, Review of International Political Economy, Economic & Politics, Business and Politics, Journal of Experimental Political Science, Journal of World Trade, International Interactions, China Quarterly, and Journal of Contemporary China, among others. Dr. Zeng is a senior research fellow at the Wong Center for the Study of Multinational Corporations and a fellow in the National Committee’s Public Intellectuals Program.