Friday, February 17, 2023 | 1:00 PM EST
Zoom Interview | Yun Sun
In the year since Russia invaded Ukraine, U.S.-China relations have continued to deteriorate; one factor is Beijing’s continued support of Moscow’s position and rhetoric. What does Beijing gain from its tacit backing of Russia? How successful have the U.S.-led sanctions been at stemming Russia’s war effort? As China reopens its economy and looks to rebuild its international business and diplomatic relationships after three years of Covid lockdowns, how does its relationship with Russia affect China’s strategic, economic, and diplomatic goals?
Yun Sun discusses the dynamics among China, Russia, and the United States in an interview conducted on February 17, 2023.

Yun Sun
Yun Sun is a senior fellow, co-director of the East Asia program, and director of the China program at the Stimson Center in Washington D.C. Her expertise is in Chinese foreign policy, U.S.-China relations, and China’s relations with neighboring countries and authoritarian regimes. She was previously a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution, focusing on Chinese national security decision-making processes and China-Africa relations, and before that was the China analyst for the International Crisis Group based in Beijing, specializing on China’s foreign policy towards conflict countries and the developing world. Ms. Sun earned her master’s degree in international policy and practice from George Washington University, as well as an M.A. in Asia Pacific studies and a B.A. in international relations from the Foreign Affairs College in Beijing.