Tuesday, March 6, 2012 | 9:00 PM EST - 10:30 PM EST

BIO Roy Prosterman Founder and Chair Emeritus of Landesa and Professor Emeritus of Law at the University of Washington, Roy Prosterman is a pioneering world expert on land reform, rural development, and foreign aid. He is the author of numerous books and research papers on land reform, including the recent One Billion Rising. He has received significant international recognition including two nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. Roy obtained his bachelor’s degree from the University of Chicago and his law degree from Harvard. Zhu Keliang Born and raised on a rice farm in southern China, Keliang has intimate knowledge of the country’s rural society and land issues. As an attorney in private practice, he specialized in real estate law and land use in Oregon. Since joining Landesa in mid-2004, Keliang has accumulated substantial legal and policy expertise on land property rights concerning China and other countries, with a series of published research papers and articles on these subjects. He earned his L.L.B. from China Youth College of Political Sciences (Beijing) and his J.D. from Willamette University School of Law (Salem, Oregon).