Since its inception in 2010, this bi-annual Track II dialogue has brought together leading American and Chinese economists, economic thinkers and business leaders for a day and a half of off-the-record discussions on important issues related to bilateral economic relations and the global economic system.
In 2019, the National Committee established a new Track II dialogue between the United States and China to discuss issues related to the digital economy, in partnership with the Guanchao Cyber Forum, a division of Chinese Internet Security Conference. Since 2022, the Chinese partner has been the China-U.S. Green Fund. The dialogue focuses on bilateral concerns in technology and how the two countries can cooperate to deal with issues arising from technological development.
Leading Chinese economists Dr. Hu Yifan and Dr. Huang Yiping discuss China’s economic outlook for 2022 and beyond.
Leading Chinese economists discuss China's economic outlook for 2021 and beyond as the world continues battling and recovering from COVID-19.