To promote high-level exchange and discussion of law and human rights issues in the United States and China, the National Committee and the China Foundation for Human Rights Development co-organize an annual U.S.-China Track II Dialogue on the Rule of Law & Human Rights. Established in December 2009, this Track II dialogue is the first of its kind to be jointly hosted by U.S. and Chinese non-government organizations.
The National Committee's Young China Professionals (YCP) program engages China-focused individuals across various industries under the age of 45 to increase their knowledge about China on pertinent issues.
The Beijing launch of two important studies on the state of U.S.-China FDI in 2018, with brand new data and analysis on recent policy developments.
The fourth and final launch event of two important studies on the state of U.S.-China FDI in 2018, with brand new data and analysis on recent policy developments.
The China launch of an important study on the state of U.S.-China FDI in 2018, with brand new data and analysis on recent policy developments.
The official launch of two important studies on the state of U.S.-China FDI in 2018, with brand new data and analysis on recent policy developments.
A new report that unveils the full picture of two-way direct investment flows between the United States and China in the past 25 years.
The authors of the latest version of our New Neighbors report present data that reveals the patterns and growing local impact of Chinese investment in the United States, including job creation and provision.
The authors of the latest version of our New Neighbors report present data that reveals the patterns and growing local impact of Chinese investment in the United States, including job creation and provision.
China is at a critical turning point as it approaches the start of its thirteenth Five-Year Plan in 2016. Several of the most expert economists from Beijing make their predictions for China's economy in 2016.