The U.S.-China Track II Dialogue on Climate Finance brings together experts from academia, think tanks, business, and industry in both countries for off-the-record discussions on opportunities for bilateral collaboration on climate finance.
The Professional Fellows Program, funded by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, is a two-way capacity building exchange for emerging NGO leaders in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the United States in the fields of environment, legal aid, philanthropy, and community building.
Michael Davidson joins Xiaolu Zhao and Max Song to discuss China’s emissions trading system and overarching climate change mitigation scheme.
Kelly Sims Gallagher and Li Shuo discuss prospects for U.S.-China climate diplomacy and the Sunnylands Statement.
Zou Ji discusses the work of the Energy Foundation and the clean energy transition in China in a conversation with David Sandalow.
Ma Jun discusses the latest work of IPE and China’s commitments to fighting climate change.
Michael Davidson, Joanna Lewis, and Alex Wang unpack the implications of the downturn in U.S.- China relations on multilateral climate cooperation.
Scott Moore explores how shared ecological and technological challenges force the world to re-envision China’s rise and its role in the world.
John Paul MacDuffie and Ilaria Mazzocco discuss the electric vehicle industry in China and the United States in conversation with Scott Kennedy.