Six editors of American foreign policy and political affairs journals traveled to Beijing, Shanghai, and Taipei to gain a greater understanding of Chinese foreign policy issues.
Alexandra Harney examines some of the reasons why China is able to offer such low prices on its manufactured goods. She also highlights the consequences of the “China price,” including the health and safety of workers and environmental degradation.
How do academics and journalists write about China? How might they draw upon each others’ work in order to give Americans a more accurate picture of developments – current and historical – in China?
Ted Plafker is a Beijing-based correspondent for The Economist. In his book, Doing Business in China: How to Profit in the World’s Fastest Growing Market, he highlights promising economic sectors, provides information on China’s legal landscape, and offers advice on how to promote and distribute products to Chinese consumers, among other topics.
National Public Radio correspondent Rob Gifford traveled along China’s Route 312, from the dynamic metropolis of Shanghai to the remote border region with Kazakhstan. In China Road, Mr. Gifford uses people and scenes from his three thousand-mile trip to illustrate how China’s booming economy has, among other things, generated new opportunities for citizens, prompted a […]
This public program examined had a “then and now” focus, as it examined how the work of foreign journalists in China has changed in the 35 years since the signing of the Shanghai Communique. Richard Bernstein, who opened TIME magazine’s Beijing bureau in 1980, talked about some of the hurdles that foreign reporters faced in […]