Jerome A. Cohen reflects on his life as a scholar, teacher, lawyer, and activist promoting the rule of law in East Asia.
To promote high-level exchange and discussion of law and human rights issues in the United States and China, the National Committee and the China Foundation for Human Rights Development co-organize an annual U.S.-China Track II Dialogue on the Rule of Law & Human Rights. Established in December 2009, this Track II dialogue is the first of its kind to be jointly hosted by U.S. and Chinese non-government organizations.
Three scholars from the United States, China, and the Philippines discuss recent developments in the South China Sea region and possible areas for cooperation.
American and Chinese experts examine the implications of international maritime law and South China Sea disputes for U.S.-China relations.
This dialogue convenes American and Chinese legal experts to explore the issues surrounding China’s recent maritime disputes and escalated tensions in the Pacific, better understand the impact on regional and U.S.-China relations, and provide suggestions for improving the management and settlement of current disputes.
Professor Jerome A. Cohen discusses the political, legal, and economic ramifications of the present situation in the South China Sea, and analyzes the drivers of geopolitical competition in the region.