How do Chinese economists view the president-elect’s proposed economic policies toward China? Leading Chinese and American economists gather to discuss the progress of China's current reform, the real estate, credit & stock markets and beyond.
A new report that unveils the full picture of two-way direct investment flows between the United States and China in the past 25 years.
Hongqiao Liu discusses her recent research on drinking water contamination and rare earth metals mining in China.
Dr. Syaru Shirley Lin discusses Taiwan's economic policy towards mainland China and her new book Taiwan's China Dilemma.
John Frisbie discusses China's changing economic landscape and the results of the US-China Business Council's annual membership survey.
Economic scholar Arthur Kroeber dispels misconceptions about the state of the Chinese economy, and offers his analysis of the future of the world’s second largest economy.
What does record Chinese investment in the United States mean for Sino-American relations? What are the biggest benefits from and challenges to the U.S.-China trade relationship? We explore these issues and more in a program featuring former Commerce Secretary Barbara H. Franklin and former U.S. Trade Representatives Carla A. Hills and Susan C. Schwab, in conversation with National Committee President Stephen A. Orlins.
The authors of the latest version of our New Neighbors report present data that reveals the patterns and growing local impact of Chinese investment in the United States, including job creation and provision.
The authors of the latest version of our New Neighbors report present data that reveals the patterns and growing local impact of Chinese investment in the United States, including job creation and provision.