Dr. Kerry Brown discusses Chinese leaders and the role of biography in understanding history and current events.
Professor Jerome A. Cohen discusses the political, legal, and economic ramifications of the present situation in the South China Sea, and analyzes the drivers of geopolitical competition in the region.
Dr. Syaru Shirley Lin discusses Taiwan's economic policy towards mainland China and her new book Taiwan's China Dilemma.
Philippe Le Corre discusses the current landscape of Europe-China relations, and his new book, China’s Offensive in Europe.
Author and diplomat Kurt M. Campbell discusses his role in crafting the Obama Administration’s ‘pivot to Asia’, and what America’s role in Asia will be in the years to come.
For the third installment in our 50th anniversary series, China and the World, Anja Manuel discusses Sino-Indian relations, and their impact on the United States.
Dr. Maria Repnikova discusses the Sino-Russian relationship and how the United States should approach it.
Every morning, the national security advisor briefs the president of the United States on the world’s most pressing security threats, from ISIS to the Zika virus. Our collective security is increasingly reliant upon cooperation between the United States and China, whether it is minimizing the risk of conflict in the South China Sea, dealing with North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, or responding to climate change. We explore these issues and more in a program featuring former National Security Advisors Richard V. Allen, Stephen J. Hadley, and Robert McFarlane in conversation with National Committee President Stephen A. Orlins.
In an on-the-record teleconference moderated by NCUSCR President Stephen A. Orlins, the two discuss the outcome of the election, its significance for cross-Strait relations, and likely impact on U.S. relations with both Taiwan and the mainland.
Defense Secretaries Harold Brown, William Cohen, Chuck Hagel, and William J. Perry, in conversation with National Committee President Stephen A. Orlins, reflect on their experiences at DoD and the future of the U.S.-China security relationship.