U.S.-China Counterpoints explores common perspectives on the U.S.-China relationship held by those in both countries. Guided by leading experts, this series examines the facts behind common viewpoints, and the details that shape U.S.-China relations behind the headlines.
Has U.S. engagement with China failed?
In this new era of U.S.-China relations, “engagement” has become a target for criticism in American political circles. Does it deserve this reputation? Diana Fu and Yun Sun discuss the legacy of engagement policy and what lessons Americans can learn from the past five decades of relations with China.
Should the U.S. give more support to Taiwan?
When considering American policy towards Taiwan, is more U.S. support good for Taiwan and regional peace? Sara Newland discusses the need to pay attention to Taiwan’s own desires and needs in the context of the China-U.S.-Taiwan relationship.
Is the U.S. Military or PLA bigger?
The military force of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), is the largest standing army in the world. However, the United States maintains the highest military expenditure in the world. Isaac Kardon discusses the comparative capabilities of the PLA and U.S. militaries.
Should the U.S. decouple from China?
In 2022, the trade volume between the United States and China topped $750 billion dollars. Clark Packard discusses how decoupling would affect the American and global economy.
What are China’s global ambitions?
Though China’s development offers new opportunities, its rise is also seen by many as a direct challenge to the post-World War II order largely established by the United States and allies. NCUSCR Director Elizabeth Economy discusses China’s new world order.
How do the U.S. and China view military bases?
While the PLA scorns U.S. bases near Chinese territorial waters, China is also pursuing military relationships and even overseas bases with other countries. Isaac Kardon discusses the strategic locations of U.S. and Chinese military bases and how they fit into broader security relations between the two countries.